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Yoga Yoga


what's up everyone? welcome to yoga with adriene.i'm adriene, and it's time for a little you time. i have a yogapractice for stress release. this is a practice that will relieve tension inthe body, but also provide a nice little energetic cleanse. so put on somecomfy clothes and hop on your mat for a little yoga for stress relief. all right my friends. so today we're goingto begin in an easy cross-legged position. you can cross the ankles here, youcan sit up on a blanket or a block, especially if you feel like you'recreating this shape in your body and there's a strain. lift the hips up soyou have a little more of a
fighting chance. another option, of course, is to bring oneankle in front of the other, and then if you're fancy, you can bring that ankleup towards the front of the hip crease for a little half lotus or maybeyou're warmed up and you want to start your practice today with me and lotus. so as you can see, we have the options, alwaysoptions here on the map. for me, that's what find what feels good means.find what feels good and come into a nice seated position, and we'll justtake a second to drop the chin into the chest.
relax the weight of the head over, and relaxthe palms gently on the knees or the tops of the thighs. close your eyesnow, so you can take a break from looking at the video here and just dropthe weight of the head over, go ahead and let the shoulders round and beginto notice your breath. so you might be wondering right now did ipick the right video, should i do something else, should i change my closes,do i really have time for this? and just give yourself permission to be herein this moment. trust that you chose the right video. it is valuable to takethe time here. and we begin to release and relax in the moment.
bring your awareness to the space betweenyour navel and your spine, cultivate a little energy there as you drawa line up through the center channel of your body, and begin to roll up. again, you can open the gaze here to justtake a peek at the video. otherwise trust yourself here as we roll upnice and tall coming into sukhasana or the pose of ease. relax your jaw, find length through the crownof the head, and then just energetically rooting down through the [inaudible00:02:54]. i got super relaxed there.
creating space from the crown of the headdown through the tail. now nothing fancy here. again, you can close youreyes, keep the gaze soft. just listen to the sound of my voice as webegin to notice the breath. it's really quite lovely. right when i saidthat i heard the wind chimes on my front stoop. that's one of the things ilove about yoga and you have a practice. as my practice unfolds, so doesmy awareness, too. my capacity to see, feel, experience thingsin the moment is truly awesome. so here we are chilling, checking in withthe breath. just noticing the natural rhythm, the natural ebb and flow.
and you'll find by just bringing our awarenessto it, we begin to experience it a little different than themoment before, and you might begin to deepen your breath here. perhapsseeing if you can extend that inhalation, making it a little bit longer,perhaps a little bit smoother, and then seeing if you can extent that exhale,making it a little bit longer. so perhaps when you feel that you've justpushed all of the air out, you extend the exhale a little more. i'm justgoing to spend a couple more moments here. if you're familiar with alternatenostril breathing, this is
another great breath or pranayama practicethat you might choose to do right now for the next couple of [breaths],super relaxing, and we have a video on that. you might also connect to your [ojai] breathwhich we also have a video for beginning this stress relief practice witha little pranayama. all right, good. wherever you are, keep this conversationwith the breath going. if you're new to the practice, just keep noticingyour breath and let that be the pranayama for today. keep it going here. soft gaze as we open theeyes nice and soft if they
aren't already. i'm just really slowly goingto begin to move the shoulders. keep it sensual. and by that imean keep it soft and easy, looping the shoulders forward up and back.the finger tips and palms can begin to soften here, and keep deepening thebreath. great, one more. this time we loop the shoulders forward up andback. for a moment here we just continue squeezingthe shoulder up to the ears, take a deep breath in and exhale droppingdown through the elbows. awesome. two more just like that. inhale drawing theshoulder blades forward, and the shoulder up towards the ears. we squeeze,squeeze, squeeze and on an
exhale find your breath, release. yeah, baby. one more. forward, up. we squeezeit in, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and exhale, release. awesome. bringthe palms together at the heart and namaste and release the fingertips pressthe palms forward up and back. so whatever is stressing you out, you don'teven need to id it right now, identify with it. just choose to let it go. in fact, you might repeat out loud if youfeel comfortable, "i choose to let it go," or you can say it quietly in yourhead, "i choose to release." letting go of that which no longer servesyou, perhaps letting go of the
day thus far as we crawl up the side bodyhere nice and easy, shoulder blades are drawing down the back, keep breathing,then we'll come back to center stillness. inhale, carve the line withthe nose forward, up and back, look up, take a deep breath in and exhale,break free. get out of jail free card here in yoga. again,letting go of that which is no longer serving you. all right, maybe shakeit out. again, maybe if you didn't catch my drift before, choose to letit go. inhaling deeply through the nose, exhale completelythrough the mouth, and then we'll spread the palms wide and diveforward on to all fours. take it
nice and slow. this practice is about nurturing your souland stretching the body. perhaps you are also interested in getting a workout,too. but consider how important it is to work mind, body, and soul.i know that sounds so cheesy, but i couldn't get behind that anymore. istick with it. okay, so here we go coming to all fours. sowhat that means here is that you can have your cake and eat it, too, onthe mat, working the muscles, stretching the muscles, working the joints,but also your spirit, your soul.
so you can move nice and slow, you're justgoing to send the hips a little left to right. nothing fancy. knees are directlyunderneath the hips points. wrists are directly underneath theshoulders. great, then i'm going to curl the toes under,walk the palms forward, and send it back [inaudible 00:10:02] heel. bellycomes to the top of the thighs, and i bow forward here and kind ofsurrender. you might feel a nice release in the upperback body, sometimes a little pop for me in the upper back body. it feelsgood. forehead may hover here or it might come torest on the mat. [zen]. keep
your palms spread wide here my friends. relaxyour shoulders down. breathing into the armpits just here usingthe breath to expand through the chest, the lungs, the ribcage widens witheach inhale. a little yoga for the feet here. perhaps you'vebeen on your feet all day, stretching the feet, or perhaps you just workup and the feet are swollen and need some love, so breath into the solesof the feet. one more breath here as we surrender, and then on an exhale,gently travel up to tabletop position. we're going to come up to the tops of thefeet here, walk the wrists back
underneath the shoulders, the cat-cow. a nicejuicy yummy cat-cow here as we drop the belly. we loop the shoulders,tailbone and mike pack rocks up towards the sky, and we open the chest. openthe throat. if you're into the [chakras] here, you can kind of connect tothat area of the body. notice the sensations there. just pay attentionas you breathe. i'm doing a little stevie wonder here as we rock backand forth. i almost said stevie nicks, that would have been embarrassing. and then curling the tailbone under, we beginto travel up the spine, arching the back here, pressing way from thefoundation as i draw my chin
to my chest, and find a little organic movehere as i speak my soft relaxing voice into the microphone for you.all right, so now you're off on your own, inhaling, scooping the belly findingthe most serving, yummy, juicy cat-cow for you. so move at your own pace. find the rhythmthat feels good maybe it's the super snail pace today. maybe it's a littlemore swift, and permission to break the rules here, kind of rock back andforth, create different lines with the spine, or maybe you're just a moretraditional yogi, and you want to stick with this traditional cat-cow, pleasedo.
and when you feel like you've had a nice checkin with the spine and the side body, we're going to drop the elbowsjust where the palms were. so now, paying attention to alignment still,the elbows and the wrists and in line, and we have the shoulders stacked overthe elbows. great, rock your pelvis, tail up towards thesky. give it a little wiggle waggle, and then walk the knees back. a longstretch in the body here as we melt the heart down. once again surrender. practice is really about surrender, lettinggo so you can rock the hips side to side. if the shoulders are tight,you don't have to bring the
forehead all the way to the mat. you can kindof chill here and just notice the elbows usually tend to want to come outhere, so keep them in line. check in and breath, heart to earth pose [inaudible00:13:42]. sweet surrender. half of you were like that's notvery stress relieving adriene. great, curl the toes under from here my friends,draw the navel up towards the spine, slowly we're going to bring itall the way back through, and then lower onto the hips and then the belly. so we come into a snake pose series here.and again, stress relief, surrender, shedding of the day thus far, andletting go of that which no
longer serves you. you see the theme focus on that exhale here, my friends. let it go. create some space. again, you don't have to identify right nowor ever really at this moment what it is that's maybe bring toxic thoughtsor energy into your world, or maybe what's creating a little bit of weightinto your life. just shed it. shed the weight. so the palms come up underneath the shoulders.we zip the legs up tight here. press the pelvis into the air, the topsof the feet kiss the mat. great, loop the shoulders, elbows pulled backbehind, engage the foundation
without pushing the buttocks tight. so thereis a way to do that. just play with that here, whatever that means to you. keep the crown of the head extended. you canmove from looking at the video now to sending your gaze straight down aswe inhale in, exhale, lift up just halfway, baby cobra. now i like to workin more of a vinyasa style flow, but today i'm going to hold it here,using the breath to move within the posture. keep the back of the neck nice and long. findyour breath, my friends. keep holding your elbows back, and one more breath,we might go hands free
opening up the palms toward heaven. and thenexhale, palms released, and you slowly lower down. great, turn on to your right, send your fingertipsdown to the edge of the mat, and bring the two big toes together,widen the heels, so let the heels open out, and we chill. go ahead and shakethe hips a little left to right. once again, we come back to center, zip thelegs up, press into your foundation, palms come underneath the shoulders.inhale in, exhale release. maybe you can come a bit taller this timeor maybe not. and we draw the arches at the feet together and we press tothe top of the feet. and now i
would say i guess let's hold here for a coupleof breaths. but no holding, my friends, use your breath to move withinthe posture. if you're feeling any fussiness in the lowerback, press that pubic bone down to the earth. find your foundation. onemore breath and exhale. we gently release. come on to the left this time,fingertips draw down, and we bring the big two toes together, opening thehills and shaking the booty together left to right. relax. on the next inhale, draw the head, the heartback to center, the palms come underneath the shoulders. we curl the toesunder, and we come back to all
fours. yeah, baby. great, knees come wide as the mat now, twobig toes, again, kissing together. moving in a circle here, if you'rea yoga with adriene family member, you'll know this one. it's one ofmy favorites. you're going to inhale. come forward moving in a circle, exhalearound and back. so here we'll begin to create a full bodyexperience if we haven't already. checking with the neck and shoulders, thehip creases, the rib cage. feel free to pad the knees if you need, reversingyour circle, finding your breath, cat-cow variation here in the [inaudible00:18:17], cat-cow as we
move in a circle, and then we'll inhale, comeall the way back up, walk the knees underneath the hip points, walk thepalms out in front, curl the toes under, and send it up to our first downwarddog here together. downward-facing dog. here we go. so nice andslow, pedaling the feet, pedal one foot and then the other, create spacebetween the tops of the shoulders and the ears. give yourself a little toe massage.hey yo. some of you youtubers are going to love that. and thenwe find stillness here for a couple of breaths, downward-facing dog. keep the knees bent as generously as feelsgood, the top of the thighs
spiral in. again, shoulder blades drawingin together as we find that sweet spiral, lots of space between the earlobes,and the tops of the shoulders. one more breath here careful not to crashdown into your wrist, but find that upward current of energy, one more breath. awesome, my friends, and then slowly we'lllower the knees back down to the earth, kiss the two big toes together andwiden the knees once again as wide as [inaudible 00:19:53], great. spiralyour fingertips now in towards you, we'll take a second to stretch throughthe arms. now again, you might collapse down for a moment,but then just as anything
find that upward current of energy as youpress into the fingerprints. hello. breathe here. you might rock a little frontand back if that feels good, and then slowly one palm at a time, releasenice and slow. cool. curl the toes under here. keep the hip bones lifted.we're going walk the palms forward. hang with me here. great. press away fromthe earth, so i broaden through the shoulder blades. imagine the two shoulderblades going left and right as you press away from the mat.
great, then reach your right fingertips forward,lengthen through the right side body. keep the length or at least theawareness as we bring the right fingertips in and underneath the bridge ofthe left arm. so sometimes we do this stretch with the sit bones back. todaywe're going to keep the sit bones lifted. it's like a little twerk movementwhich i will never do. don't do that either. in and underneath thebridge with the left arm. here we go. we come to rest on the right ear my friends.and we find our breath. if it feels better to come on to the tops of thefeet, you can. sometimes having
the toes there just kind of helps for we're breathing into the upper back body. when we get situated,we might just close our eyes. for a deeper stretch you can lift that elbowand press into the left fingertips of the left palm, breathing intothat upper back body and finding nice smooth exhalations. stay here,really using that exhale to find your twist, using that inhale to inflatethat upper right body. stay here. if you're feeling a little more adventurous,stay if you want to have some fun. connect to your center, naval tospine, and then begin to slide the left toes out long.
a little deeper stretch here, also just challengingthe body to create a full body experience. so if you don't createthat full body experience connecting to your center, chances are you'regoing to topple over. so sometimes it's nice, or it's fun rather tothrow ourselves off balance and practice so that we can connect a little deeper. breathe here. some people lift here. i feellike it adds unnecessary pressure to the shoulder. we don't need totake it too far now. find that sit bone to heel connection, stretching throughthe back leg, and then if your leg is out, reel it back in, and useyour left palm to gently press
back up to center, and we go on and take iton to the other side walking the palms forward. now it would be a good chance to check inwith your breath. if you have lost that conversation, pour another glassof wine, that's a metaphor, and reaching the left fingertips forward. keep the length or at least awareness in theleft-side body as we come in, and now underneath the ridge of the rightarm. i shall turn my head away from the camera for a second and we shallcome to rest on the left ear. again, lift that right elbow up if you wantto go a little bit deeper and
use your breath. begin to move in the [inaudible00:23:39]. so we carry a lot of stress, tension, energy in these shoulders,and in the back. use your breath to do a little energetic sweepin the shoulders and in the back bottom. the same thing on this side, if you're feelinga little adventurous, curl the toes under, slide the right toes back,make sure to bring awareness to your center here so you don't topple overthis way. and finding that sit bone to heel connectionhere. one more breath in this balance and twist, and then if the right legis out, slowly reel it back
in, and we shall unravel back to center. great, walk the palms forward, walk the kneesin, and send it up to your downward-facing dog, adho mukha. three breathshere, bring the two big toes together, imagine the tops of the thighs spiralingin as we press away from the earth. again, three breath cycles. sweet, bend the knees generously, and we'regoing to step off the feet to the center of the mat. cool. i'm going toturn towards you. feet hip width apart or flushed together, it doesn't matteras we come into forward full, grab the elbows, rock a little side to side,shake the head yes and no,
find that [inaudible 00:25:44], maybe spreadingawareness through all four corners of the feet, rooting down throughthe ball joints of that pinky toe, rooting down through that big toe moundin the back two corners of the heel. this is a cooling, calming posture. go aheadand release the finger tips and just hang. again, i choose to let go ofthat which is no longer serving me. i create space, welcome. welcome in thenew joy, the new opportunity, new love, you name it. great, bring the palms to the tops of thefeet, on your next breath in,
inhale, halfway lift, a long beautiful neckhere, loop the shoulders, pull the elbows back, soften through the knees,start creating kind of a l shape here in the body, navel draws up towards thespine. sit bones extend towards the back of your mat as the crownof your head reaches past the front. create one more breath here and exhale.slide it down. great, going for a nice, juicy, beautifulyoga roll up, tuck your chin into your chest, press into your feet, and enjoythis move as we slowly roll it up to mountain. slowly lengthening the tailbonedown as you lift your heart up, finding length through the front bodyas you're ground down through the
back body, maybe you take a couple of shoulderloops here. maybe if the neck is tight, you draw a coupleof circles with the nose, one way and then the other. so everybody is different,so make your practice yours. super important. it's also the joyat doing yoga at home, you really make it yours which means you can personalizeit with a different sense of freedom. okie doke. we're going to bring the feet togethernow. you can keep a little space between the two heels, as opposedto the three heels. great, now we'll bring the palms together at theheart, inhale, lift the sternum
to the thumbs, draw energy up through thearches, at the feet, press away from the earth. create more space between the crown of thehead and the tail, so we can find that opposition here as we lift up throughthe crown, ground down to the shoulder blades, elbows, heels. then openyour eyes to a soft gaze or take your eyes from the video downward toa soft gaze maybe past the nose as you bend your knees. hold on to a soft focus here, maybe a [inaudible00:28:51] focal point out in front as we lift the right heel, kind ofpulling that right knee up,
stay down nice and low as we cross the rightleg over the left. now if you want to hook that ankle in eaglelegs, you totally can. otherwise it's just kind of like an eaglevariation here. as we point through that right toe, sink down throughthe sit bones. great, stay where you are, lifting the sternumto the thumbs, or if you're feeling frisky, spread the fingertips wide,reach the palms up towards the sky. if the shoulders are tight, bend theelbows. give yourself a nice spaciousness here. shoulder blades are drawing in and down theback as we hold our balance
here. and again, as that standing leg getstired, we're going to want to come up, but sink deep my friends, get a littledirty here. now find your breath, two more breath cyclesin and out here. we got this. spread the fingertips in celebration of you.welcome that heat burning away, again, the stress, the anxiety, lettinggo of any bs, and creating space with each inhale. great, draw your navel to your spine, liftthe right knew up, and release the fingertips. so if they're up overhead,bring them down and if they're at the heart, then release them. and we'regoing to catch that right knee
in here. we're going to stall tall throughthe left leg and squeeze the right knee up towards the heart. smile, you can point and flex that right foot,maybe rotate the right ankle, lift your heart. so plug in with yourheart, again, let go of your troubles. forget your troubles, come on gethappy. great, one more breath, and then exhale, werelease. mountain pose, open your palms, just check in. notice the differencebetween the right side and left side of the body. smile, don't take yoga so seriously. if thatwas hard for you, shake it
off, let's try again. if it was easy for you,rock on. let's do it again anyway. here we go, palms together at theheart. as we exhale, we bend the knees, so get low. get low shorty. lift the sternum to the thumbs. find yourbreath. so we're not just lifting the left leg over. we do enough hoisting thebody around all day, so no yoga robots here. move nice and slow as you peel that left footup. and then when you're ready, up and over, navel to spine, so findingyour center. again, you can totally hook eagle legs here, you rebel. youeagle. lift your sternum to
your thumbs. all right. we'll find a soft focus here aswe focus, and i stop making bad jokes as we lengthen through the crown ofthe head. again, using the inhale creates space. using the exhale to maybe dropthe sit bones a little lower. now palms can stay here under [inaudible 00:31:54]at the heart, or we can fly the fingertips up again spreading themnice and wide, lengthening the tailbone down, my friends. some of you have been asking me lately aboutknitting the lower ribcage. i mean this action right here which could bevery helpful in this balancing
posture of drawing the lower ribcage in andjust kind of connecting here so you can see this, my hands coming in togetherkind of like a corset. wherever you are take two more nice, long,smooth deep breaths. embrace it. great, then draw your navel to your spine.slowly lift the left knee up. we're going to interface the fingertips. catchthat left knee cap, and squeezing in towards the heart. stand niceand tall, keep the heart lifted, plugging in, draw the shoulders down awayfrom the ears. one more breath and rotate that ankle. take a deep breath in, smile. lift the cornersof your mouth and then
exhale, release to [inaudible 00:33:11]. sweet,close your eyes. just observe the breath. observe the left and theright side of the body. let go of any tension. notice if you're gripping in your toes orin your butt. see if you can relax your shoulders, maybe they're crawlingup again, softening through the fingertips. now when you're ready, reach the fingertipsall the way up. inhale in full- body stretch and exhale, we forward fold.inhale half way, lift one more time, and exhale bow.
great, palms come to the mat, bend your kneesgenerously, and then knees come to the mat gently, and then were' goingto go side saddle here, just swinging the leg to one side. it doesn't matterwhat side as we transition to flat back. great, full body stretch here. oh yeah, reachingthe finger tips up and over our toes all the way down towards thebottom edge. take a second here to maybe take the deepest, deepest breathin you've taken all day, and then find a long exhale out through the mouth. awesome, hug the right knee into the chest.take a deep breath in and on an
exhale guiding the right knee across the bodyover towards the left side of your mat in the room. opening up through theright wing here and the right arm as maybe you rock on to your right ear. and to each his own here. you can use theleft palm to pet the outer edge of that right thigh or you might find justa little exquisite stillness here, find sweeping breaths up and down thespine. bring it out. great, inhale in on an exhale. we gently meltit back through center and we switch. left knee in, right leg out. we squeezethe left knee in towards the heart, and then when you're ready guidingit over into your twist and
onto your [inaudible 00:35:29]. close your eyes here again, twist it out.a nice inhale in. exhale, gently rock it back to the center, send the lefttoes out. once again, a full body stretch as we inhale, and then exhale andlet the fingertips come left to right, arms left to right, palms face up.widen the ankles as wide as your mat. get situated here for a nice yummy [inaudible00:36:12] here today. so thank you for practicing with me. i wishyou all the love in the world from my heart to yours as we come to settleand [inaudible 00:36:22], i say to you namaste. close your eyes. relax yourjaw. lengthen through the back
of your neck by tucking your chin into yourchest. again, soft fingertips, relax through yourankles, and stay here for a couple of minutes at least, maybe longer.surprise yourself, focusing on the nature rhythm of your breath, choosingto let go, again, that which is no longer serving you in your life. choosingbalance, ease, and an open mind, and an open heart. again, from my heartto yours, namaste.

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