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yoga workout

hey everyone, welcome to yoga with adrien,i am adrien, and today we have a great practice, yoga for beginners. this is a wonderful practiceif you're wanting to get into yoga or you're returning to the mat. today we're going tofocus on foundation as a way to grow flexibility and create space in the body. so if you likethis video and you have a good experience or you want to return to the video, you canclick the "add to" tab below and add it to your favorites so you can find it easy andreturn to the practice and see how the body changes and how the practice evolves. but for now, hop into something comfy andlet's do foundation and flexibility. alright, so we're going to begin in a crosslegged position. you can take a blanket or
a pillow folded up and set up so you can situp nice and tall if you have it, if you don't, don't worry about it. just take a second tosort of ground down through the sit bones, whatever that means to you and roll up throughthe spine. so you might drop your chin to your chest and you might take a nice consciousmindful moment, maybe this is the first conscious mindful moment like this of the day to rollup through the staircase of the spine, maybe loop the shoulders up and back. and then findsome space. that's the goal of today, is to find, create space in the body. so just situp nice and tall here, you can close your eyes, take a moment to just trust yourselfnot looking at the video as we sit up nice and tall. and take a nice breath in and finda nice long exhale out.
again, trust yourself here. you can closeyour eyes and just listen to the sound of my voice here as we sit up nice and tall,lengthening through the crown. grounding down through the sit bones, softening or relaxingthe jaw here. just noticing if you're clenching there or anywhere, softening and relaxing.deepening the breath. see if you can give yourself permission to just be in the moment.this is easier said than done, i understand and acknowledge that. so just give yourselfpermission to be in the moment, be with this video. know that the to-do list and the doingand the tasks that are on our list will definitely still be there when we're done with our video.when we're done with this practice. couple more moments here just noticing the breathand again just giving yourself permission
to just be in the moment, to be on the mat,to take this time for yourself. and you can keep the eyes closed here as wedraw the chin to the chest, we're just going to check in with the neck. so drawing a coupleof circles with the nose. and then reversing the circle. you might notice a little soundtrackof crunchiness back and forth as you rock the head. and we're just kind of setting thetone, creating a vocabulary for our practice today which is going to be find what feelsgood. listen to your body and make the most of each breath, each moment, so that whenyou step off the mat and into the rest of your day, into the art of doing and the to-dolists and the tasks, you feel a little bit more at ease, a little bit more spacious,at peace.
alright, couple more breathes here. and thenwe'll bring the head back to center and draw the shoulders up towards the earlobes, takea deep breath in and on the exhale draw them down and away. two more just like that, shoulderslift up, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. and on an exhale drawing the shoulders down and more, we inhale, draw the shoulders up to the ears, and exhale, drawing the shoulderblades in together and down the back. awesome, draw your palms together at your heart, takea deep breathe in. exhale, open your mouth, let it go. inhale, lift the sternum to thethumbs, exhale out through the mouth. one more just like that, as if you're foggingup a window, deep breath, and exhale, let it go. awesome.
releasing the fingertips gently to your sides,we're going to plant the left palm, inhale reach the right fingertips up and over. pausehere for a couple breathes finding a nice spacious stretch in the side body, not clenchinganywhere, but keeping that space between the left ear and the left shoulder. then inhale,smile, and exhale, swiftly move back through center and we'll take it to the other side.think up and over, again, space as we press into the sit bones, find length in the we're not holding here, we're not clenching. but again, setting the tone for our practiceand perhaps the rest of our day to find what feels good. to move how you see fit and toreally connect the body to the breath. great. inhale in. smile, follow your breath backto center and we're going to spread the fingertips
super, super wide and dive forward onto allfours. if you're sitting on a blanket or a pillow you can now move it to the side andwe'll come to all fours for a little cat cow. and just remember, the foundation is thatwhich is touching the mat or the earth, so we're going to pay attention to our foundationnow right away, pressing into the top of the feet, pressing into the palms and press theearth away. now just take a second here to rock front and back. just notice when youstart to get tired and collapse. and keep pressing the earth away, again paying attentionto our foundation here. and then when you feel satisfied, release the floodgates openand we'll begin a little cat cow. so inhaling, heart radiates forward, belly drops, we feelthe stretch, you can move a little bit in
the neck, in the tail. again, setting thetone for our practice that we're going to find organic movement here and not be so rigid,stuck. no rules. take a deep breathe in here and then on an exhale rather than just wham,creating this rainbow shape or this n shape, start at your tailbone, see if you can justcrawl up the spine. slowly, again, just connecting to the sensations, and then we can find alittle rock, front and back, if it feels good. alright, let's continue inhaling, loopingthe shoulders, dropping the belly, got a little zenned out there, opening the heart towardsthe frontage of the mat. and then exhale. pay attention to your foundation as we movehere, maybe check in with the knees, top of the feet, press into the knuckles. inhale,finding a little breath and movement synchronicity.
then exhale, navel draws up and we stretchthe back. cool. one more in your own time. awesome. then we'll come back to tabletop position.we're going to bring the two big toes together and bring the knees as wide as the mat. great.inhale, loop the shoulders, heart radiates forward and exhale and send it back. extendedchild's pose. feel the legs. stretch here, forehead comes to the mat, breath. on yourexhale you might allow the weight of the heart to melt down towards the earth. and again,just pay attention to your foundation even here. that which is touching the earth. thenon your next breath in, draw a line with your nose, look forward, we're going to shift ourweight forward, just as you did before, cat
cow variation here, but pressing up and outof the foundation, so we're not just collapsing in here. we're pressing up out of the earth.again, learning how to use our foundation to support, to gain more flexibility and spacein the body. take a deep breathe in, follow your breath, your exhale as you round it backagain to that extended child's pose. then inhale, heart scoops forward, we breath inand exhale, send it back. one more just like that. we inhale, pressing all ten knuckles,the palms are going to want to get tired here, they probably are already, so just keep anice awareness on the foundation, on an exhale send it back. cool. now we'll lift the palms up and bringthem together, bring them up and over the
head kind of like a little shark fin here.then i'm going to calm my elbows out, finding a nice space in the side body, breathing intothe arms and shoulders. now you can find the little rock in the ribcage here, back andforth. and if the forehead is not yet touching the earth, the shoulders are too tight, youcan bring the blanket here, just kind of lift the earth up to you. or you can just staymindful, let it hover here. one more breath cycle in and out, deepest breath you've takenall day. awesome. then we'll bring the palms back down, draw the navel up towards the spine,again, nice integrated movement as we transition always. back to all fours. great, so we're going to take a second hereto press away from the earth again, press
on the tops of the feet, and just check inwith one hovering cat. some might say that's not a beginner's pose, but it really is agreat way to check in with this line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailboneand it also is an excellent way to again get this kind of -- our theme for our practicetoday, building from the ground up foundations. so press away from the earth again, make sureyou have your alignment, wrists underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath thehips. and then we're going to let the knees hover. now the first thing that's probablygoing to want to go is the neck, so keep your gaze straight down and in front, perhaps justahead and between your two index fingers. draw the shoulders away from the ears, navelup towards the spine and just notice how the
body get tired here, but how we can supportit by continueing to press up and out of the foundation, by wrapping awareness throughall parts of the body and of course keeping a good attitude. one more breathe here, awesomeeveryone. then exhale, lower the knees, great, curl the toes under and walk the fingers uptowards the tops of the thighs. cool. take a second here to inhale, loop the shouldersforward up and back, sit your weight back down on your heels and breath into the feet. nice long, smooth deep breaths. and if thisis too much you can lift up for a break or two, but we're going to take one more breathhere on the feet. then we'll spread the palms super wide, again, nice mindful, hand to earthconnection. dive forward. great. with the
toes already curled under, i'm going to keepthe knees bent, melt my heart back, and as if someone is lifting you up from your tail,like a momma would do to a baby cub or something, we're going to lift up from the tail. so keepthe knees bent, lift the tail up, come into a nice first downward dog of the practice,take a deep breathe in, and then exhale, slowly lower the knees. just like that, one moretime as if someone was lifting you up from your tail. pedal it out now, bending the kneesone and then another, draw your shoulders away from the ears. take a deep breath inthrough the nose. and then exhale, once again, slow descend back down to all fours. cool.bring the two big toes together again, widen the knees as wide as your mat. cool.
now we're going to walk the palms in, bringthe right palm to the center line. so again, playing with our foundation, there's thistendency to collapse into the wrists, the arms, this is why we all say, "i can't doyoga because i have bad wrists" but actually you can do yoga and your wrists need yourtime and attention and love. probably more than you know. so here we go, pressing upout of the earth here, just practice that. finding that openness in the chest and theheart. again, pressing away. pressing into all knuckles and really the mound of thatthumb and that index finger pressing into the earth. cool. inhale, open up through theleft wing, left arm reaches up towards the sky. we're going to do three of these. openthe chest, and then exhale back to center.
don't collapse here, keep pressing away. what'shappening to the tops of the feet? pressing up and out of your foundation as we open upagain. doesn't have to open up all the way, it might only come to here if you're new tothe practice, or maybe even to here. so just ride your beautiful wave as you inhale open,exhale close. and one more, we inhale open, keep pressing away from the earth and exhaleclose. awesome. walk the palms in front, send it back for a rest. extended child's pose. rising back up on the inhale, we're goingto do the same thing on the other side. so bringing the left palm into the center linenow, taking a second to press up and out of the foundation, again, check in with the topsof the feet. cool. inhale opening up to our
twist, opening the chest, the heart, we reachright fingertips up towards the sky. i seriously doubt i was able to bring my range of motionall the way here when i was new to the practice, so again, it might come here, it might comehere, it might come here, but we're not collapsing, we're opening up, pressing away from the earth.on an exhale, float it down and we'll do two more of these. inhale. don't forget aboutthe tops of the feet. one more, keep extension through the crown. and exhale, float it down.awesome. walk the palms in front, draw the knees back underneath the hip points, curlthe toes under and again, as if someone was lifting you up from your tail. here we we pedal the feet here. so there's no rush to get to the yoga journal ad, that'sridiculous. no offense to yoga journal. just
saying no need to create a shape you've seenbefore, create your own shape and sensation and i promise you will find some juicy rewardsin yoga asana practice. pedal it out. one more deep breath in, you'vegot this, and then exhale, another slow descent down to the knees. awesome. great. so we'regoing to come to the tops of the feet here, just for a little stability and i'm goingto send my right toes all the way out. take a deep breath here to point and flex the feet,just stretch that right leg, you might even rotate the right ankle one way and then theother. notice if you're collapsing into your arms, press away. then nice and slow drawyour right knee all the way up and we're going to slowly place our right foot -- so i onlysay slowly so that we're not just like, whoa,
because that happens and it's natural. sojust trying to gain a little awareness here in the beginning stages of our practice andso we can do it always. right? so bringing that right knee up slowly and placing it upin front. cool. take a second to just kind of make sure you're on two skis rather thana tightrope. give yourself some space, we'll draw the fingertips to the waist line, pressdown with the thumbs to lift your heart up. so nice strong front leg there. cool. nowjust notice that that front leg is over that front ankle or perhaps lagging behind, seeif you can stack that front knee above that front ankle. great. then take your right thumband pull the right hip crease back, in fact that might change your stance, pulling ita little bit shorter than you were before.
if you're feeling like this left knee is goingjazz hands then jazz knee, then you can double up on your mat here or once again you canuse your blanket to pad. i have double mats today, so i'm good on my knee. so we've pulledthe right hip crease back, we've lifted up through the heart and then we're just goingto take a second to breath here. notice when you feel like, whoa, hugging your thighs together,stand up nice and tall through the crown of the head and once again use your foundation. so there's definitely more than meets theeye here, this isn't like boring beginners pose. hell no. press into the top of thatback foot and feel that upward current of energy. so we're definitely not trying tomake the practice rigid, but we are trying
to find nice alignment and remind ourselvesthat we can do a lot with the energetic body. so press up and out of your foundation. findthis upward current of energy, this lift, kind of like a superhero here as we open thechest. then you can stay here for stability or you can test your balance a little bitby reaching the fingertips forward, up and back. so we're pulling the thumbs back, there'sno need to be tight here, you can open it nice and wide. great. if you're feeling adventurous my friend,you might look up, slowly drawing the focus up to the sky. and this is a great place totest your balance, find that foundation, pressing into that ball joint of your front big toe.pressing into the back foot and again maintaining
that beautiful upward current of energy. more breath here, then exhale slowly float the fingertips down, send the fingertips forward.we're going to pull the back toes under, this should feel great as we lift that back knee,yeah, baby and come into our runner's lunge. take a second here to just move it out. mightfind a little movement rocking front, back, any organic movement, side to side. then checkingin with your alignment. breathing into the tight places, kind of rocking or lingeringinto any place that needs a little love. cool. then inhale, everyone look forward, becomelight on the fingertips, and exhale, plant the palms and step it back to your downwardfacing dog. nice and slow. three breathes here in and out. and then slowly loweringthe knees back to the earth. great.
here we go again, now on the other side. comeon to the tops of the feet nice and strong, send the left toes out long. nothing fancyhere, just checking in with that sit bone to heel connection. pointing and flexing thefoot, maybe rotating the ankle one way and then the other. and then bending that leftknee and nice and slow. and i only say slow so that we start to anchor in the power ofawareness. so nice and slow as we let that left foot up, if it doesn't make it all theway use your hand to find your shape. again, not on a tightrope but nice and spacious, bring the fingertips to the waistline, press the thumbs to the back to lift yourheart up. nice strong leg there. feel free to pad that right knee. we're going to takethe left thumb, whenever you're ready and
pull that hip crease back. again you mightfind that it shortens your stance a little bit here. left hamstring parallel to the now we have our shape, now we go beyond the shape because yoga is not just about theshape shifting, that's not fun, it's not as fun. it's not as rewarding. so we take a secondto lift the heart, and find that upward current of energy. we can do that by pressing intothe foundation. nice and strong. pressing into all four corners of that front foot.we breath here. if we feel a little whoa, we can hug the inner thighs together, we canuse the openness in the heart and maybe ground a little weight down through the shoulderblades or the elbows. so finding that opposition. you can stay here or reach the fingertipsforward, up and back again. you can take up
as much space as you need to here. breathingdeep, nice long smooth deep breaths. if you're feeling adventurous, draw a line with yournose, slowly look up. hugging the inner thighs to the midline, chest is open. take one morebreath in here, you've got this. press into your feet, and on an exhale let it rain down,wash it away, belly to the thigh, we come into our runner's lunge. this is going tofeel good. yeah. cool, so take a second here to work it out,rocking front, back, side to side, finding any organic movement that feels awesome toyou. breathing into the front of that right hip crease, continuing to peel that left hipcrease whenever necessary, and of course just checking to make sure that front knee isn'tstraining past that front ankle too much.
how's your neck? everyone check in with yourneck. take a deep breath in, and then we'll plant the palms and step it back to downwarddog once again. pedal the feet. now we're going to go for a walk. so sowlywalking towards the front of our mat, but i encourage you to take this second to getyour money's worth, find what feels good. check in with the feet, can come up onto thefingertips. move nice and slow and then together we'll land in a nice forward fold here. rightguys? we're doing good, let it all hang, bend your knees, grab your elbows and rock littleside to side. keep returning back to your breath, nice long smooth deep breaths. we'llrelease the fingertips and bend the knees generously now as we draw the chin into thechest and slowly roll it up. you can close
your eyes for this, again just trust. whatwe're doing is we're slowly rolling up to a standing posture, mountain pose. so giveyourself a little bit of freedom to close your eyes and check in with the body as weroll up into mountain. when you arrive loop your shoulders up and back again and bringyour awareness to the feet, now the foundation of this pose. pressing away from the earthby drawing energy up from the arches of the feet, you might lift the kneecaps a little.everyone can interpret this a little bit different, especially in the beginning stages of practice.but, again, we often just kind of think about this part. it's like, i'm an actor, a lotof actors only think about acting from here up, but it's a full body experience, right?so start at your feet, pressing away from
the earth, and just connecting to the shaktior the energetic current that lifts up. and then really easy, we're going to inhale, reachthe fingertips up, palms come together, and exhale, float the fingertips down and away.keeping awareness on the feet as you inhale, reach up, and exhale. float the fingertipsand maybe now slightly behind the hip points. one more time, deep breath, press up out ofthe earth, long spine. exhale, fingertips interlaced behind the tailbone here. and wecan either keep the fingertips square if that feels right or we can bring the palms palms together might be a place that we work towards so anywhere in between too isfine. nothing fancy, just take a second here to rock a little side to side, to open thechest, check in with the neck and the shoulders.
don't lose sight, don't lose awareness ofyour foundation as we work it out here, opening, opening. and then with the awareness, witha grace, almost with a bit of elegance we'll release the fingertips. and inhale, reachit up. exhale soft bend in the knees as we dive forward all the way. cool. inhale, lift to a flat back we're going to slide the palms all the way to the top of the thighs, keep a softbend in the knees and return to the sensations we had perhaps in that hovering cat. so again,pressing away from the earth, drawing the shoulders away from the earlobes. one morebreath here, nice long beautiful neck, gaze is down for one more breath. and then slowlywe'll slide the palms down the fronts of the
legs, bring the fingertips to the mat andstep our right foot back to that runner's lunge. take a deep breath as you look forwardtoward the front edge of your mat. on the exhale, slowly lower, soften that right kneeto the earth. bring the right palm in line with the arch of the left foot here. thennotice how we're just collapsing everything in, i'm guilty of it, i'm doing it right now.see if you can find a little integrity by again, bringing a little awareness to yourfoundation, we're going to press up and out of that right palm, even out of that leftfoot. and then we're going to come onto the top of that right foot and find a little awarenessthere. cool. moving into a twist, i inhale slowly,open up through the left wing and same thing
as before, i'm not going to collapse in, buti'm going to press up out of my foundation. so my inner thighs are hugging together, i'mpressing into the earth, inhaling, exhale, float it down. two more just like this, inhale,pay attention to your foundation to float your pose. exhale back to center. last one,inhale, soft, graceful fingertips here. and exhale, release. awesome, everyone. curl theright toes under. we'll come onto the fingertips, then we're going to send the sit bones upand back, straightening that left leg and keeping that left heel on the earth. so, mostof us might stay here, in fact i'm just going to stay here, you might find a little bitof movement back and forth, you might allow the weight of the head to relax over. if you'renot really feeling a deep stretch here, you
might send it all the way back, right sitbone to the heel, but otherwise i suggest for today keeping the hip points lifted andpulling that left hip crease back. again, weight of the head over. couple breaths here.breathing into the back of that left leg. then rolling through that left foot i'll slowlycome back to my runner's lunge. yeah, baby. lift that right knee. and look forward, deepbreath in. awesome and exhale. plant the palms, step it back to your down dog. and then we'llfind a nice slow descent to the knees, back down, shift our weight forward to our halfplank. so this might take a little bit of adjusting, but i'm wanting to lengthen thetailbone down towards the back of the knees only to create a nice long line from the crownof the head to the tip of the tailbone.
toes can stay on the ground or lifted, doesn'tmatter here. as we breath, press away from the earth again. then take your gaze, shiftyour weight slightly forward, and we're going to hug the elbows into the side body and lowerall the way down into the belly. cool. keep the palms underneath the shoulders, pressinto the tops of the feet, press pubic bone into the earth, so again, find your foundation.and we're going to inhale, lift up into a baby cobra. exhale, forehead kisses the mat.two more just like that. inhale, press into your foundation, create space as you pressaway from the earth, baby cobra, exhale, float it down. last one, loop the shoulders, pullthe elbows back, press away from the earth. and exhale. forehead kisses the mat.
awesome. curl the toes under, hang with me,draw the navel to the spine, send the sit bones up and back. downward facing dog. beautifuleveryone. take a deep breath in, and let it out through the mouth. nice and easy, we'regoing to step that right foot up now, into our lunge and soften the left knee down tothe earth. cool. same thing as before. again finding that foundation here as we bring theleft palm now in line with the arch of the right foot. and then softening the top ofthat left foot down to the earth. great. make sure you're not on a tightrope here, rightcrease is pulling back and i inhale, soft fingertips as i open, again i might just cometo here opening the chest, maybe here, maybe each time i grow a little more each time ido this video. but i'm keeping my foundation,
so a tendency here is that that knee is goingto want to open here, so that i can open my chest up more. no, building from the groundup, so i keep that ball joint of that right big toe down on the earth as you inhale, squeezingthe inner thighs towards the midline, opening up. exhale, float it down. we can also beon the fingertips here if we need. inhale opening up. and exhale, floating it down.if you have a block you can also be on the block here. last one, inhale, open up intoyour twist. nice deep belly breath here, nice purifying twist, and then exhale, float thefingertips down. great. come onto the fingertips, curl the back toes under, think up and overas we rock back onto that right heel. pull the right hip crease back and stretch it out,feeling the weight of the head softly fall
over. breath. one more breath here, then slowly again rollingthrough the front foot, nice and slow. we'll plant the palms and we'll step it back, comingonto all fours. bring the two big toes together, widen the knees as wide as the mat and sendit back extended child's pose. so even here, even though we consider this a resting pose,we can pay attention to our foundation. use our breath to find nice deep opening stretches,inhale, look forward and exhale, forehead kisses the mat, heart melts down. pay attentionto your foundation here as you quiet the breath. again, taking this moment for yourself, lettinggo of any stress, any tension, in the body or in the heart, in the mind. this is a beautifulpose for all levels, just surrendering to
that which is greater than you. so if you'refrustrated or you have a heavy heart or a full plate, stressed out, come into this posture,take five nice long deep breaths. then slowly pressing into all ten fingerprints, we'regoing to rock back up to all fours, walk the knees underneath the hip points, cross theankles, and slowly, nice and easy, use your palms or fingertips to guide you all the waythrough into seated, a nice seated posture here. we'll cross the legs. and just a gentle twist,so the right palm comes to the left knee. we'll bring the left fingertips behind. weinhale, lift up and out of our foundation, find that current of energy, and then exhale,journey into your twist. so i'm not cranking
here, i'm using my foundation and this upwardlift to create space and i'm using my exhale to explore. can even lift the hands to doa hands free version here, just making sure that we're pressing into the outer edges ofthe feet, we're lifting up through the heart. and on your exhale gently melt it back throughcenter and we'll take it to the other side. left palm to the right knee, right fingertipsbehind. again, so often when we come here we just forget about the legs and the feet,so again we're paying attention to the foundation, drawing energy up through the earth. in orderto find more space, more integrity flexibility in body, so it's kind of a great rule of thumbto just kind of think of everything from the ground up here, especially in a twist as weuse the exhale to explore, the inhale to lift
and lengthen. can experiment on this side,too, going hands free. we'll take a nice deep breath in and use the exhale to gently meltit back to center. great. catch the palms in the knees here.and we're going to slowly draw the navel back, chin to chest, slowly, breathe. then palmson the knees here, i'm going to slowly release my ankles and rock back onto a flat back position,hugging the knees to the chest. that felt great. so we'll wrap the arms around the shinshere and just give yourself a hug. never underestimate the power of a little hug here on the mat,it's great for the spine, great for the lower back. even a great little squeeze or a massageto the digestive organs here as we relax the shoulders down, squeeze the legs into thebelly.
cool, then we'll slowly release, soles ofthe feet to the mat, and bring the fingertips down so the arms are nice and straight. nowhike your heels up to where your fingertips end here, toes pointing forward. now lastpose before we relax here, we're going to press into the palms, press in all four cornersof the feet again, remember your foundation. as you inhale slowly lift the tailbone up,lift the hip points up toward the sky. now notice as we peel our foundation changes,we lift the spine up, lifting, lifting, lifting. all the way up as far as you can go, and thenexhale massaging the spine as we replace the foundation down and release buttocks to theearth. again, inhaling, pressing into all four corners of the feet, we lift the tailboneup, slowly rising, and then exhale, float
it down. one more just like this, press intoyour foundation, but keep a sense of grace and ease as we lift the tailbone up. feelthat stretch in the front body. and then exhale, slowly release. okay, so this next time we're going to keepthe gaze straight up, so don't turn your head side to side to look to the video. tuck thechin to the chest and we're going to inhale, slowly rise up. listen to the sound of myvoice here as we prepare for bridge pose, setu bandha. so i can stay here with the hipslifted for a couple of breaths. imagine shooting your hipbones to the back of your knees asyou lift the pelvis. now we can stay here palms pressing into the earth or we can shimmythe shoulder blades in and interlace the fingertips
behind the tailbone, opening the chest. breathehere. wrists are square here, palms together, we breathe, we press into all four cornersof the feet. you can take your gaze to your belly and look at the inhale as it stretchesthe belly along. then on an exhale, with control, with grace, let the fingertips release andmake your slow exit down. awesome. when you arrive hug the knees to the chestone last time, give yourself a hug, rock a little side to side. then release the solesof the feet to the mat, extend the right leg out long, followed by the left. if you havea blanket here you can cover up with the blankets or you can pillow the head. it's also niceto roll a blanket up, but it behind the knees and let the arms spill out gently to the side.preparing for our final and most precious
posture for today, shavasana. you can stayhere as long as you like, breathing, letting the mind be at ease, letting the heart rest,feeling the support of the earth here. so this is really only especially after doingsuch an active beginners practice, pressing up and out of the foundation, finding thatintegration. here is a posture where we do the opposite to balance it out, we allow themind and the body to rest, we allow ourselves the permission really to do absolutely nothing,to just be still. just soften and release and relax and allow and let go. and i justwant to say that i know this can be the hardest pose for some people. particularly in a worldwhere we're just constantly going, going, going and doing, doing, doing. so if thisis difficult for you, consider this just like
any other posture, one that you need to practice,evolve and grow. keep allowing yourself the permission to do absolutely nothing, hencethe name the corpse pose. giving yourself this moment to relax in shavasana. let the breath return to its natural rhythm,you can stay here, open yourself to a new experience, maybe stay here a little bit longerthan you even anticipated and have a great most beautiful rest of the day. nice workeveryone. namaste

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