yoga workout for beginners
hello, everyone and welcome to psychetruthit's sanela here. today, i have an awesome flow for you guys. it's sun salutation it's for mornings or anytimeyou feel like you need to just to move the body and create more energy and release thetension throughout your entire body, well this flow is for you. so today, we're gonna sit nice and comfortableposture here. shoulders are gonna be relaxed, heart is lifted,close your eyes, and just bring all your attention to your breath. take in a nice deep inhale through your nosehere.
and then exhale gently through your mouth. inhale deep here. exhale. one more time, deep inhale rising both handsall the way up. and then exhale gently moving to that sidestretch here. you can open your eyes here or you can simplyjust keep your eyes closed and just being connected with your own energy here; takingthose deep inhales through your nose and then exhaling gently through your mouth. and just preparing your body here just foryour starting day and feeling good and just
being mobile and just being here and now. take one more deep inhale. coming back to center, both hands all theway up and then from here we're gonna move into that seated spinal twist here so gentlytwist into your right here looking over that right shoulder, keeping your spine nice andlong take a deep breath into it. gently exhale. one more time, inhale deep. exhale, slowly coming back to center bothhands up and let's switch to your left here same thing here nice long spine shouldersare relaxed here.
taking a deep inhale through your nose; exhale. one more time, deep inhale here. exhale coming back to center both hands up,shoulders relaxed, both hands down. nice. take a deep breath here one more time throughyour nose. very nice. now, let's go ahead and move into that flow. now remember, you gotta bring your attentionanytime the mind wants to wonder around, bring that attention to your breath here and justbeing here and connected with your body and
just moving with this flow taking a nice deepinhale one more time. exhale, tuck your toes in gently moving intothat downward facing dog here keeping a nice bend in your knees nice long spine, relaxyour head, may say yes as you're taking a nice deep breath maybe saying no. what we are doing here is just releasing sometension in your neck here. nice and then gently straighten your leftleg, keeping your right knee bent, nice deep inhale here. switch sides, we're just activating the backbody here, one more time deep inhale. exhale, both knees bent here.
gently look at your hands and start walkingforward fold here. in front of your mat, gently keep those knees90 degree bend here, relaxing your head down and then take a deep breath moving into thatflat back, push your shoulders back here. nice long spine, tuck your chin in here. and gently forward fold. let's move into that utkatasana chair poseright here even if you're just standing right there that's good enough right there. take a nice deep breath and gently forwardfold. reverse swan dive all the way up to mountainpose.
moving into that back bend here, heart islifted, palms together, bring it to your heart and then again gently forward fold here. good. now from here you're gonna bend your knees,plant your hands down and your right leg is gonna go back, placing your right knee down,and nice long body is right here and gently rising both hands all the way up bringingthose hips forward and down, shoulders are relaxed, heart is lifted, take a deep breathhere. gently coming back to center, tuck your toesin, lift your right leg and come forward, and from here we're gonna gently move thatleft leg back, placing your left knee down,
standing your toes, nice long body and gentlyrising both hands all the way up as you bring those hips forward and down you can feel anice stretch in that hip flexor muscles in your psoas releasing that tension from thereand just bring the mobility in the hips and moving the energy throughout your body here. gently come back to center, tuck your toein, lift your foot and coming back forward fold here. plant your hands, walk back into high plank,plant your knees down and gently coming all the way down. gently extend your toes lifting into thatbaby cobra right here, now remember in your
baby cobra that we wanna keep that heart liftedas we relax those shoulders down. gently coming back to center and then comingall the way up into downward facing dog. a bend in your knees here, deep nice longspine moving your head saying "yes" and "no". yes releasing the tension here taking a deepbreath. straighten your legs here. and then look at your hands and gently startwalking in front of your mat again here. feeling the sun, feeling the heat in yourbody, feeling that energy moving through your body, take a deep breath. flat back, push your shoulders back, heartis lifted here, gently forward fold.
bend your knees, drop your hips down movinginto that chair right here again nice long spine, shoulders are relaxed. nice breath and gently forward fold. plant your hands and move that right leg back,placing your knee down, extend your toes gently rising both hands up, moving forward and downyou're gonna feel a nice stretch here nice pull from that hip flexor, try to breath hereand relax and don't hold the attention, let it all go out through your breath here. gently coming back to center, tuck your toes,lift your foot, walk forward, switch sides here.
and gently placing it back down coming up. and just being patient here with yourselfonce you get familiar with a flow, then you will find that own rhythm, your own pace,and go with that and just taking time here for 10, 15, 20 minutes a day to really justtake care of yourself mentally, physically, just being more grounded with yourself andcentered. this flow will definitely help put you inthat state of mind, that state of energy and things like that. gently coming back to center. forward fold, keeping your nice deep bendin your knees here as you're dropping your
body down. coming into that flat back, forward fold. plant your hands coming into that high plankhere, placing your knees nice and gently here, you should feel a nice like little sweat goingon for me right now, you should definitely feeling it a little bit too as well, if you'redoing it with me or course. gently coming up, baby cobra here. center. alright. moving into that downward facing dog.
nice deep bend in your knees here, long spine,yes or no moving your head. and then straighten your legs here. bend the knees here and start walking in frontof your mat here. alright forward fold and again remember goingat your own pace here, gently inhale. flat back; exhale, forward fold. bend your knees, drop your hips, utkatasanaagain here. this is a, this used to be a challenging posturefor me because i was so confused i didn't know if i was gonna fall forward or what iwas supposed to do, but it has to do a lot with also your hip flexors, how tight theyare.
this definitely will help to release thattension from your hip flexors, i know we are holding it a little longer here but hang inthere, you can do it! and gently forward fold; you feeling thatlittle burn. reverse swan dive all the way up, leaningback, heart is lifted, open your heart here, palms together, bringing it to the centerof your heart. gently forward fold. just moving here at your own breath; movingthat right leg back, placing your right knee down, extend your toe, lifting into that kneelinglunge here. again, each time you're gonna feel a littlemore opening in those hips; so allow yourself
to just really let it go, breath through it,and maybe close your eyes here just for a second and just notice your energy, noticeyour breath. yes, it feels good doesn't it? gently coming back out, walk forward, switchlegs here. placing it back down. kinda lean back also keeping that heart liftedhere it's gonna allow to stretch this entire front body here. again close your eyes, take a deep breath;really feel your breath here. coming back to center, walk forward, forwardfold, flat back.
forward fold, reverse swan dive and rememberthis flow is pretty much for any level, you guys. just taking your time here and just doingthe best you can, but just do it! plant your hands coming into that high plankagain; placing your knees coming down to that vinyasa here; gently lifting. now we're gonna go a little bit further, nowit's time to step up the game a little bit in this practice so lifting all the way intothat full cobra; nice relaxed shoulders, long spine, heart is lifted here. take a nice deep inhale.
now, we're gonna gently come back down. and again remember, go in your own pace here. coming up, downward facing dog. deep bend in your knees, straighten your legs. gently look at your hands and start walkingtowards your hands, forward fold here. inhale, flat back. exhale, forward fold. utkatasana chair pose here. reverse swan dive, moving with your breathhere, lean back, palms together bring it to
your heart, forward fold. plant your hands, right leg back, extend yourtoes, placing your knee down, lifting up. coming back to center. and just silencing your mind and your thoughtshere just for a second here, just to really notice your own energy here, flat back. forward fold; reverse swan dive, palms together,bring it to your heart, forward fold, plant your hands, walk into high plank, gently comingback down into your vinyasa. cobra. downward dog, walking towards your hands,forward fold, flat back, forward fold.
utkatasana chair pose; forward fold. reverse swan dive all the way up. right leg back, extend crescent lunge here. coming back to center, switching sides. smile a little bit. gently coming back to center, forward fold. flat back; forward fold, reverse swan dive,lean back, gently forward fold. plant your hands, gently walk back into thathigh plank. now from here, we're gonna lay all the wayback down.
we're gonna open our hands into letter "t"here, we're gonna stretch now the spine a little bit, relax the muscles, and releasethe tension from there so go ahead and lift that left leg up and then twist here. take a nice deep breath. gently coming back to center, lifting thatright leg, and flip it over here. ooh yeah, i can feel that nice crack in myback here; it felt really good. don't get scared if you feel that, it meansreleasing tension and coming back to where it's supposed to be. gently coming back to center here.
now from here, we're gonna go ahead. it feels so good to be outside, you guys. i feel this beautiful breeze and the sun isshining down, it just feels so like i could just stay right here and just talk to youand just be in this moment. haha we're almost done; we're not there yet. let's open those hands into a letter "t" andthen we gonna move into that laying down spinal twist now this way. and gently maybe grab it with your other handand pull your knee down a little bit deeper into that stretch here.
and you have to be honest with yourself andif you truly want to see the difference in your body, increase your um your flexibility,get better in your yoga practice, just stay consistent with your practice like i said,these videos are like 15 to 20 minutes long. you know what? i think we all owe ourselves to take thistime and just take care of ourselves, stretch out the body, take care of the body. take a deep breath one more time. and gently coming back to center. woo!
alright and then i invite you here to justlay down flat on your back. you can have your palms facing the ceilingif your in the house, if you're outside facing the sky. close your eyes, take 2 deep inhale throughyour nose and really taking that breath all the way into belly. pause for a second and gently exhale. deep inhale here. and then from here, i want you to just silentyour thoughts and scan your body. listen to your heart here, feel your energy,notice how you're feeling.
and we're just gonna get quiet here for justa minute. keeping your eyes closed. if your find yourself wandering off with yourthought process, bring your attention to your breath by taking a deep inhale through yournose. and from here, start to wriggle your toes. your hands; if you like to stay a little bitlonger in this posture, please do; take your time. and if you're ready to come back. go ahead and gently lie on your left sideof your body right here.
like a little child. when you're ready keeping your eyes closedhere, placing your left palm or your right hand down to your mat and gently lifting yourselfup into seated posture here. coming into that easy, comfortable seatedposture. keeping your eyes closed here; rising bothhands all the way up. gently placing your palms together and bringingto the center of your heart. thank you guys so much for joining me in thisflow, taking care of yourself, doing something amazing for our body, our mind, and our spirit. exhale; maybe smile a little bit here.
open your eyes. good job and namaste. there it is guys and remember to make sureto favorite this video, do this video about 3 to 4 times a week to really see the differencein your body and your practice; stay consistent with it, subscribe to psychetruth, share thisvideo and also if you guys wanna take up a challenge that i'm offering right now forfree, go to for more information. until next time, thank you again and namaste.
and then exhale gently through your mouth. inhale deep here. exhale. one more time, deep inhale rising both handsall the way up. and then exhale gently moving to that sidestretch here. you can open your eyes here or you can simplyjust keep your eyes closed and just being connected with your own energy here; takingthose deep inhales through your nose and then exhaling gently through your mouth. and just preparing your body here just foryour starting day and feeling good and just
being mobile and just being here and now. take one more deep inhale. coming back to center, both hands all theway up and then from here we're gonna move into that seated spinal twist here so gentlytwist into your right here looking over that right shoulder, keeping your spine nice andlong take a deep breath into it. gently exhale. one more time, inhale deep. exhale, slowly coming back to center bothhands up and let's switch to your left here same thing here nice long spine shouldersare relaxed here.
taking a deep inhale through your nose; exhale. one more time, deep inhale here. exhale coming back to center both hands up,shoulders relaxed, both hands down. nice. take a deep breath here one more time throughyour nose. very nice. now, let's go ahead and move into that flow. now remember, you gotta bring your attentionanytime the mind wants to wonder around, bring that attention to your breath here and justbeing here and connected with your body and
just moving with this flow taking a nice deepinhale one more time. exhale, tuck your toes in gently moving intothat downward facing dog here keeping a nice bend in your knees nice long spine, relaxyour head, may say yes as you're taking a nice deep breath maybe saying no. what we are doing here is just releasing sometension in your neck here. nice and then gently straighten your leftleg, keeping your right knee bent, nice deep inhale here. switch sides, we're just activating the backbody here, one more time deep inhale. exhale, both knees bent here.
gently look at your hands and start walkingforward fold here. in front of your mat, gently keep those knees90 degree bend here, relaxing your head down and then take a deep breath moving into thatflat back, push your shoulders back here. nice long spine, tuck your chin in here. and gently forward fold. let's move into that utkatasana chair poseright here even if you're just standing right there that's good enough right there. take a nice deep breath and gently forwardfold. reverse swan dive all the way up to mountainpose.
moving into that back bend here, heart islifted, palms together, bring it to your heart and then again gently forward fold here. good. now from here you're gonna bend your knees,plant your hands down and your right leg is gonna go back, placing your right knee down,and nice long body is right here and gently rising both hands all the way up bringingthose hips forward and down, shoulders are relaxed, heart is lifted, take a deep breathhere. gently coming back to center, tuck your toesin, lift your right leg and come forward, and from here we're gonna gently move thatleft leg back, placing your left knee down,
standing your toes, nice long body and gentlyrising both hands all the way up as you bring those hips forward and down you can feel anice stretch in that hip flexor muscles in your psoas releasing that tension from thereand just bring the mobility in the hips and moving the energy throughout your body here. gently come back to center, tuck your toein, lift your foot and coming back forward fold here. plant your hands, walk back into high plank,plant your knees down and gently coming all the way down. gently extend your toes lifting into thatbaby cobra right here, now remember in your
baby cobra that we wanna keep that heart liftedas we relax those shoulders down. gently coming back to center and then comingall the way up into downward facing dog. a bend in your knees here, deep nice longspine moving your head saying "yes" and "no". yes releasing the tension here taking a deepbreath. straighten your legs here. and then look at your hands and gently startwalking in front of your mat again here. feeling the sun, feeling the heat in yourbody, feeling that energy moving through your body, take a deep breath. flat back, push your shoulders back, heartis lifted here, gently forward fold.
bend your knees, drop your hips down movinginto that chair right here again nice long spine, shoulders are relaxed. nice breath and gently forward fold. plant your hands and move that right leg back,placing your knee down, extend your toes gently rising both hands up, moving forward and downyou're gonna feel a nice stretch here nice pull from that hip flexor, try to breath hereand relax and don't hold the attention, let it all go out through your breath here. gently coming back to center, tuck your toes,lift your foot, walk forward, switch sides here.
and gently placing it back down coming up. and just being patient here with yourselfonce you get familiar with a flow, then you will find that own rhythm, your own pace,and go with that and just taking time here for 10, 15, 20 minutes a day to really justtake care of yourself mentally, physically, just being more grounded with yourself andcentered. this flow will definitely help put you inthat state of mind, that state of energy and things like that. gently coming back to center. forward fold, keeping your nice deep bendin your knees here as you're dropping your
body down. coming into that flat back, forward fold. plant your hands coming into that high plankhere, placing your knees nice and gently here, you should feel a nice like little sweat goingon for me right now, you should definitely feeling it a little bit too as well, if you'redoing it with me or course. gently coming up, baby cobra here. center. alright. moving into that downward facing dog.
nice deep bend in your knees here, long spine,yes or no moving your head. and then straighten your legs here. bend the knees here and start walking in frontof your mat here. alright forward fold and again remember goingat your own pace here, gently inhale. flat back; exhale, forward fold. bend your knees, drop your hips, utkatasanaagain here. this is a, this used to be a challenging posturefor me because i was so confused i didn't know if i was gonna fall forward or what iwas supposed to do, but it has to do a lot with also your hip flexors, how tight theyare.
this definitely will help to release thattension from your hip flexors, i know we are holding it a little longer here but hang inthere, you can do it! and gently forward fold; you feeling thatlittle burn. reverse swan dive all the way up, leaningback, heart is lifted, open your heart here, palms together, bringing it to the centerof your heart. gently forward fold. just moving here at your own breath; movingthat right leg back, placing your right knee down, extend your toe, lifting into that kneelinglunge here. again, each time you're gonna feel a littlemore opening in those hips; so allow yourself
to just really let it go, breath through it,and maybe close your eyes here just for a second and just notice your energy, noticeyour breath. yes, it feels good doesn't it? gently coming back out, walk forward, switchlegs here. placing it back down. kinda lean back also keeping that heart liftedhere it's gonna allow to stretch this entire front body here. again close your eyes, take a deep breath;really feel your breath here. coming back to center, walk forward, forwardfold, flat back.
forward fold, reverse swan dive and rememberthis flow is pretty much for any level, you guys. just taking your time here and just doingthe best you can, but just do it! plant your hands coming into that high plankagain; placing your knees coming down to that vinyasa here; gently lifting. now we're gonna go a little bit further, nowit's time to step up the game a little bit in this practice so lifting all the way intothat full cobra; nice relaxed shoulders, long spine, heart is lifted here. take a nice deep inhale.
now, we're gonna gently come back down. and again remember, go in your own pace here. coming up, downward facing dog. deep bend in your knees, straighten your legs. gently look at your hands and start walkingtowards your hands, forward fold here. inhale, flat back. exhale, forward fold. utkatasana chair pose here. reverse swan dive, moving with your breathhere, lean back, palms together bring it to
your heart, forward fold. plant your hands, right leg back, extend yourtoes, placing your knee down, lifting up. coming back to center. and just silencing your mind and your thoughtshere just for a second here, just to really notice your own energy here, flat back. forward fold; reverse swan dive, palms together,bring it to your heart, forward fold, plant your hands, walk into high plank, gently comingback down into your vinyasa. cobra. downward dog, walking towards your hands,forward fold, flat back, forward fold.
utkatasana chair pose; forward fold. reverse swan dive all the way up. right leg back, extend crescent lunge here. coming back to center, switching sides. smile a little bit. gently coming back to center, forward fold. flat back; forward fold, reverse swan dive,lean back, gently forward fold. plant your hands, gently walk back into thathigh plank. now from here, we're gonna lay all the wayback down.
we're gonna open our hands into letter "t"here, we're gonna stretch now the spine a little bit, relax the muscles, and releasethe tension from there so go ahead and lift that left leg up and then twist here. take a nice deep breath. gently coming back to center, lifting thatright leg, and flip it over here. ooh yeah, i can feel that nice crack in myback here; it felt really good. don't get scared if you feel that, it meansreleasing tension and coming back to where it's supposed to be. gently coming back to center here.
now from here, we're gonna go ahead. it feels so good to be outside, you guys. i feel this beautiful breeze and the sun isshining down, it just feels so like i could just stay right here and just talk to youand just be in this moment. haha we're almost done; we're not there yet. let's open those hands into a letter "t" andthen we gonna move into that laying down spinal twist now this way. and gently maybe grab it with your other handand pull your knee down a little bit deeper into that stretch here.
and you have to be honest with yourself andif you truly want to see the difference in your body, increase your um your flexibility,get better in your yoga practice, just stay consistent with your practice like i said,these videos are like 15 to 20 minutes long. you know what? i think we all owe ourselves to take thistime and just take care of ourselves, stretch out the body, take care of the body. take a deep breath one more time. and gently coming back to center. woo!
alright and then i invite you here to justlay down flat on your back. you can have your palms facing the ceilingif your in the house, if you're outside facing the sky. close your eyes, take 2 deep inhale throughyour nose and really taking that breath all the way into belly. pause for a second and gently exhale. deep inhale here. and then from here, i want you to just silentyour thoughts and scan your body. listen to your heart here, feel your energy,notice how you're feeling.
and we're just gonna get quiet here for justa minute. keeping your eyes closed. if your find yourself wandering off with yourthought process, bring your attention to your breath by taking a deep inhale through yournose. and from here, start to wriggle your toes. your hands; if you like to stay a little bitlonger in this posture, please do; take your time. and if you're ready to come back. go ahead and gently lie on your left sideof your body right here.
like a little child. when you're ready keeping your eyes closedhere, placing your left palm or your right hand down to your mat and gently lifting yourselfup into seated posture here. coming into that easy, comfortable seatedposture. keeping your eyes closed here; rising bothhands all the way up. gently placing your palms together and bringingto the center of your heart. thank you guys so much for joining me in thisflow, taking care of yourself, doing something amazing for our body, our mind, and our spirit. exhale; maybe smile a little bit here.
open your eyes. good job and namaste. there it is guys and remember to make sureto favorite this video, do this video about 3 to 4 times a week to really see the differencein your body and your practice; stay consistent with it, subscribe to psychetruth, share thisvideo and also if you guys wanna take up a challenge that i'm offering right now forfree, go to for more information. until next time, thank you again and namaste.
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