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yoga videos for beginners

hi, i'm tara stiles, and today on the yogasolution i'm going to show you a great routine that you can do first thing in the morningto wake up your entire body, and calm and focus your mind. let's get started. so we'llstart standing up nice and tall. heels right behind your toes. take a big inhale, reachyour arms all the way up over your head. big, deep breath in. and then as you exhale, gentlysoften all the way up and over your legs. if the hamstrings feel a little jammed uphere, you can always put a nice little bend in your knees. especially in the morning,things might feel a little tighter than the rest of the day. so make sure go really slowand take it easy. and then take a big inhale, lengthen all the way up to a nice long, flatback. as you exhale, fingers tips pressing,
and also step your left leg all the way backto a nice low lunge here. just sink your hips a bit. maybe sway a bit, side to side. breathea lot. and then when you're ready, gently ease back knee down to the ground, soft onthat knee cap here. and again, up to you, maybe just stay right here if the hips feela little bit tight this morning. if there's a little more room to open up, slowly startto peel your body open, letting the hips sink. chest can lift. and then anything you wantto do with your arms. if it feels nice to take them all the way up, back behind you.something to do there. if that's a little too intense for the morning, maybe just restthem on the front thigh, or all the way down. just breathe easy. and when you're ready,we'll bring your finger tips down, either
side your front foot. tuck your back toesunder. keep your finger tips on the ground. we'll start to lift your hips straight up,and let your torso here just fold and relax over this front leg. really letting your headgo. really letting your neck go. and then we'll sink your hips all the way back intoyour nice low lunge. press your palms firmly down. go ahead and lift all the way up andback into your nice downward dog here. just soften the heels. relax your head and shoulders.maybe sway a little bit, side to side. and real slowly here, we'll start to walk yourfeet up to the top of your mat here. no rush at all. just seeing what's going on, on thebacks of the legs. and once you do arrive all the way upward here, folding in, we'lllet your head and neck soften. and again,
we'll roll up to stand. one easy vertebraeat a time. and once you do arrive all the way up here, big inhale fills you right up.and then, as you exhale, softening all the way right back up and inward. alright. andthen we'll lengthen up to a long, flat back. look up in front of you, and press your fingertips down. and we'll step your right leg way back behind you. a nice low lunge. and letyour hips sink low here, maybe shake a little bit, side to side. or drift a little forwardand back. and again, when you're ready, gently lower your back knee down to the ground, softon that knee cap. so again, it's up to you, just feel what's going on in your hips heretoday. maybe stay right here if this is enough. both sides may be a little bit different,so just take it easy. and again, if it feels
even better, just start to peel yourself open.letting your hips sink, chest can lift or maybe take your arms up and back behind you.if that's a little too much, you can always soften out of it. pressing your hands on yourthigh, or right back down. and when you're ready to come out of that one, press yourfinger tips down right on either side of your foot. tuck your toes and start to lift yourhips straight up and in. and let your torso here just fold and relax over this front leg.breathe a whole lot into the back of your body. and again, when you're ready here, puta little softness in your front knee. press your palms firmly down. we'll just lift allthe way up and right back into your nice downward dog. and just soften the heels, relax yourhead and shoulders. and take a big inhale.
lift way up onto your tippy toes, nice andhigh. and then as you exhale, soften the heels and relax right back down. couple more timesjust like that here. big inhale lifts you right up. and then as you exhale, soften theheels and relax. last one, just like that one here. big inhale lifts you right up. andthen as you exhale, soften the heels, relax. and again, simply breathing a whole lot here.nice long spine. and again, last time here, softly walking your feet up toward your simple step at a time. once you do arrive all the way up in here, you're just holdinginward over the legs. let your head and neck go. and again, rolling up to stand, one vertebraeat a time. no rush. and once you do arrive all the way up, big, giant inhale fills yourselfright up. and then as you exhale, softening
all the way, right back inward. so there youhave it. a really great routine that you can do first thing in the morning. you'll getcalm, centered, relaxed and focused for the entire day. i'm tara stiles, and i'll seeyou next on the yoga solution. thanks so much for watching, you guys. i'm actually checkingout the page right now, seeing some of the comments. we filmed a lot of your commentsand questions today. thanks so much. keep them coming. and i'll see you soon.

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