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yoga types

hi, welcome to yoga manu yoga minute. todayi'm going to explain the different styles of yoga, and if yoga is right for you. there are so many different paths of yoga,from yoga of knowledge, yoga of devotion, yoga of wisdom. there is a royal yoga. inroyal yoga, we have postures, and in the western culture, the posture yoga is so popular, becauseit matches in with the fitness. the hot yoga, or the bikram yoga, or poweryoga, these are more fitness-oriented, where you can maybe burn a lot of calories, whereyou've got to go into a studio, into a walled room, and do the flow, or do the practice. then there is a mantra yoga, where you canchant mantras, and that becomes your inspiration.
that becomes your way of zoning in and gettinginto that zone, so a song or a poem can be your mantra. then there is tantra yoga, where there area lot of tantric practices, where it involves rituals. kama sutra is a classic example oftantra yoga. and then there is a gentle style of yoga,and then there's breathing yoga. there are so many different types of yoga. so is yoga right for you? yes. go to differentstudios, different schools, or talk to different yoga instructors, and insure that you resonatewith them. and insure that they share the same philosophy and same goal towards practicingyoga as you do, and then ask them lots of
questions. okay. so what sort of questions should youask your yoga teacher or your yoga school? firstly, what's the length of the class? secondly,what are the benefits you can expect from that yoga class? thirdly, explain what modificationsyou might need, if you have any medical conditions, if you have any injuries, like, how oftenshould you practice? or is there a home practice that you can take? so yeah, really connect with your yoga teacher,really connect with the philosophy of the school. and really find an inspiration. findmotivation to practice, because it can be very transformational.
so if you have any more questions and you'dlike to post a comment on this video, let me know, and i will do my best to get backto you. other than that, see you later - yoga manu yoga minute.

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