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yoga training

[indian music playing] peggy: i'd like to introduce samantha. she's directing the yoga program here at the costa rica school of massage now including a costa rica school of yoga. samantha's been teaching yoga for many many years she is based in alignment based yoga and is also a fabulous bodyworker and teaches anatomy, physiology and massage technique she's umm gotten inspired to start this program and i feel really honored to have been able to participate in it. this particular location for it is just amazing.
and this is peggy kelley. it is such an honor that she was willing to come down here and teach the philosophy, the pranayama, the advanced asana instruction and, be able to be a part of sending into the world yoga teachers who are really founded in the lineage of yoga as a spiritual practice as a physical practice and a mental practice and studying not just the anatomy, but the philosophy of the ancient texts, the lifestyle, ayurveda and asana! we were able to hike and to pranayama on a cliff - the practice of controlling the breath
overlooking an amazing view of the ocean. people come in and are not really able to straighten their spine and leave with just this amazing height, i mean taller and having alignment in their poses, and being able to do poses that they thought they wouldn't ever be able to do it was, for me, life transforming. peggy: i feel the same. samantha: and the students were incredible peggy: they came from all over the states. a couple came from costa rica itself.
uh, as far away as washington state, massachusetts, and as samantha's already said: people from 18 to 60 plus. so, for the international day of yoga, we invited the community of samara to come and join in class and each student taught a pose so they got even an intensive course to practice teaching people who weren't used to doing an alignment based yoga and our main goal for this program was to teach people how to teach. to teach them how to stand in the yoga path so that they could truly have their own self-study, their own self- practice, continue with a teacher, and leave here being able to teach. but, they do asana, they do quiet, silent meditation,
then they do asana class in the morning then we have a little break for breakfast and then we do lecture and that lecture includes philosophy and ayurveda, and how to incorporate yoga into your life and how to take yoga into your business as a career and the ethics of yoga teaching, the responsibility of yoga teaching we really look at detailed anatomy, the major muscle groups, the major bones, even the 12 systems of the body are covered so that the students at least have some interaction with each of their organ systems
and then we get to teach them about chakras and subtle anatomy in ayurveda the doshas, pitta, kapha, vata they get to take a dosha test and see where their constitution and ayurvedic system lies.

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