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yoga techniques

yoga techniques

hi, my name is leta koontz and i'm a yogateacher at schoolhouse yoga located in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. and i'm here today on behalfof expert village to show you, to demonstrate and to teach you some inversions. so you'refeeling pretty strong with your form balance you can start to work on scorpion creations,a form of balance. and again, you can use the wall, sometimes it's helpful when youfirst start to practice a pose to use the wall so you can press your feet against thewall to help you get a deeper back bend. so again, we're gonna face the wall, bring ourhands so they're shoulder distance and our forearms are parallel with one another. we'regonna kick up to the wall and then we're gonna start to walk our feet down the wall towardsour head. we're gonna look up towards our

feet and if it feels comfortable for you,you can start to press your feet in towards your head. now the pose is bring your feetup straight and drop your feet back down to the floor.

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