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yoga teacher

yoga teacher

coming to india to do the teacher trainingwas just such an amazing experience. the environment here is just stunning, everybodyhas been so nice and just opened my mind. meeting so many different people from differentcountries from all over the world. hi i am bianca from holland. my name is christina and i am from sweden. my name is sonya and i am from frankfurt. hi my name is brenda and i am from london. hi my name is kim and i am from holland. hi my name is johan and i am from sweden.

hello i am lisa from germany. hi i am charlotte and i am from the united states. hi i am stephanie from canada. hi my name is fiona i am from ireland. i am maria i am from the netherlands. i am jessica and i am from the united states. my name is ernst and i am from holland. hi i am ruhie and i am from geneva. i am maria from the netherlands.

hello my name is natalie and i am from thenetherlands. hi my name is bree i am from australia andi have just finished my teacher training course here in india and i have had a truly inspirationalmonth. i came with very few expectations and an openheart and a really simple goal just to deepen my yoga practise. and i am going to walk away with such more. the teacher training has been super comprehensiveand professional. i have been able to master a few new challengingasana poses and the spiritual development i have got from the philosophy classes and frommeditation have brought a real sense of peace

to me. i am feeling healthy and i have made somegreat friends. and i really enjoyed the teaching instructionfrom all the local teachers which is great. so i highly recommend the course for anyonewho is looking for a little personal spiritual all-round professional development. i was looking for a place to do my yoga ttcfor a very long time and i found this finally and i am very glad that i came here. my first language is french and i was a littlebit worried before coming, you know, if i would be ready and good to understand everything.

and i have learned that it is not such a bigdeal you can always and my english improved as well so don't think that language is abarrier. i came to this course to learn basics of yogaand it turned out to be a lot more than just the basics. i really enjoyed the whole experience likeyou never had something like this before. so i have enjoyed it and definitely recommendit to other people to come and try it out. the quality of the course, the contents, theteaching it is outstanding. i would recommend anyone who is serious inbecoming a really good yoga teacher to come

here and have this amazing experience in theashram. i would like to say thank you to the wonderfulteachers we've had for being so supportive and helpful and always with a smile on their faces. the teachers are very good, very nice andthey can explain things anybody and everyone can understand. i am also very grateful to have this wonderfuland experience of professional teachers. the teachers are really good and they arevery supportive and they will answer every single question that you ask them. the teachers are really excellent they havea lot of knowledge and they really know how

to convey that to you. and they also give you the confidence to knowthat you can trust yourself. the teachers and the ashram people cared foryour life and for your future not only for you to push you through the exam. and they provide you the possibility to getin touch after the course and ask them whatever questions may come up if you start your ownbusiness or if you start being a teacher. and i think that is much more than i haveexpected. so i am really looking forward to going backhome and start teaching. a lot of students end up being exceptionalyoga teachers.

after the guidance from the teachers and the other students they really feel confident enough to teach when they get home. i definitely saw the progression from thestart to the finish. at the start i thought oh my god i will notbe able to do this. and after yesterday, doing the test and passingi feel ready i feel i can go back to ireland and part some knowledge and something veryvaluable to my communities. and during lectures i learned a lot aboutmy life and how it should be and it is going to be. i really enjoyed learning all about vedicphilosophy, ayurveda, even massage workshop

was really interesting to me. for me it was an incredible experience. i learned a lot about classic yoga, aboutphilosophy, about teaching and most of all, for me the highlight of the day were the asanaclasses. we learned a lot of different poses, the teacherswere very gentle and they taught us how to do things we never imagined we could do. it has been a challenge, it has pushed mefurther physically, mentally and emotionally than i ever thought i could go and i feelstronger after this course and very very happy

that i did it. and very grateful that it is here. the course has helped me a lot, not only havingan in-depth understanding of the yoga philosophy and way of life but also it has helped mein my personal journey of life and for that i am very grateful. throughout the course i have learned so manythings that even it wasn't my intention in the beginning, at the end of it i have learnedso much and it is motivating me to one day become a yoga teacher and i can actually doit now. great confidence where i had zero confidencein the beginning.

it was an amazing experience and i have learneda lot about yoga and about life. i found myself everyday learning more andprogressing and it amazed me what i am capable of doing, what my body is capable of doing. and besides that also the philosophy classeswere amazing. it really helped me in my spiritual journey,i learned so much and it has been an amazing experience not only physically but also mentallyand this is an experience i would never forget. arhanta for me has been an incredible experience,personally and professionally. so if you are thinking to come here, reallymade up your mind and come. there is so much to say about it.

in short it is amazing and i am definitelya different person than when i came here 3,5 weeks ago. i have so much more confidence and i knowmore of what i am able to do and it is far more than i ever thought and i am excited to leave here with a wholenew family supporting me. thank you!

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