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yoga sunday

yoga sunday

what kind of yoga should i do for yoga pain?we don't necessarily want to do more yoga if we have pain in our yoga practice. we wantto do a comfortable amount of yoga, as for yoga pain, and any other pain for that matter,particularly pain thats in the joints, if theres clicking, if theres stiffness, a kindof a cold brittle feeling, then what we can do is take an ayurvedic yoga herb called yogarajguggulu, yogaraj. yogaraj means raj - king of the yogis. guggulu is a resin that's usedin certain ayurvedic preparations. and what guggulu does it it targets the herbs to getto the place want to go. guggulu has a detoxifying and rejuvenating quality. it's actually saidthat guggulu scrapes toxins from the joints, the nervous system, the muscular and skeletalsystem. our yogaraj herbs are herbs that are

warming. and they're going to bring bloodand warmth and heat to the bones, and to the joints, and the muscles to create more easeof movement. yogaraj herbs also contain triphala. which is a daily detoxifier. if you're nottaking triphala and you want to know about daily detoxification - you can watch my triphalavideo - there's a link here. or else, below this video it says about and there's a linkthere. also in the about area under this video you can also find out where i buy and whereyou can buy great quality organic well-priced ayurvedic herbs. if you start taking yogarajguggulu, you don't have to additionally rake your triphala at that do we take this? 1/4 teaspoon in warm water twice a tastes good. it tastes like chai.

it has ginger in it, pepper, black pepper,cumin, triphala. and this is going to move that stiff cold feeling. it's particularlygood for the winter. enjoy your yogaraj guggulu and your joints and bones and nervous systemwill thank you. i have a great playlist of all my herbal videos.if you see a link here you can click on it and watch that playlist. you can look in theabout section can also find out how to get your kiki says phone cover or yourkiki says t-shirt and let everyone know that you are a member of the kiki says healthy,happy community. and i'm here to support you in all of your good super positive choices.thank you for watching. please subscribe. click click click.share the videos with your friends.

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