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yoga studios nearby

knitted yoga socks hi guys, i'm kristen and welcome to studioknit. it's a new year. this is a great time to focus on our fitness, well-being, balance,and where else is better to start than with yoga?!?! i thought that these yoga socks wouldbe a really fun quick knit to start the new year. they're cozy, they're very, very simpleto make, and they're a great gift to yourself or your friends. this time of year it's oftenstill quite chilly, so these yoga socks, they leave your toes and your heels free to griponto your yoga mat, but they leave the rest of your foot, ankle, and as far up your legas you'd like nice and cozy warm. for our materials, we will use knitting needlessize 7us, aran or worsted weighted yarn and

your color choice is totally optional. scissors,and a tapestry needle. to begin, we make our beloved slip knot andthen using the long tail cast on method, cast on your stitches. i have size recommendations,along with the written pattern, in the description below. and for the size that i'm making, iam casting on 40 stitches in this example. we begin by knitting in the 1x1 rib stitchpattern, this is just knit one and purl one all the way down your row and we're doingthis pattern for the first 6 rows making up the bottom of our yoga sock. for rows 7 through16, simply knit your rows in stockinette stitch, this is the knit stitch on the right sideand the purl stitch on the wrong side of your work.

and if you would like to change colors, youcan do so at any time to make really fun stripes. and, one pro tip is, if you are going to geta little creative as you go along, keep a written log of your stitches and when you'reswitching colorsso your second sock can easily match. it’s time to make the opening for our we are going to bind off half the stitches on our needle. since i have 40 stitches, i’mgoing to bind off the first 20 stitches right here. then continue knitting the remainderof the row. now purl those stitches on the wrong side. we're going to cast on those 20stitches that we lost using the cable cast-on method. i'll show you a little bit here, buti also have a great video on how to do the

cable cast on and the link in the descriptionbelow and in the card annotation above. now we just finish up with the stockinettestitch until your sock is the height you desire. i knitted mine for rows 19 through 46, butyou can keep going higher up if you'd like. and when you’re ready to finish up, it’sjust another 6 rows of that 1x1 rib stitch pattern that we started off with, and thenbind off. we just seam up our edge and you are done! and definitely check out some of my otherfun quick knit projects that are perfect for the new year, including this calendar, thisis also a great time of year to declutter, especially with our yarn stash. so, go checkout my playlist on organization, i have some

really great fun ideas on how to get thatyarn organized so that you can find it any color or type of yarn that you're lookingfor. bye!

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