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yoga session

yoga session

hey guys welcome to your intro to yin yoga today is going to a class that focuses on going deep into your hips hamstrings and glutes yin yoga is an amazing style of yoga because its super slow it gets real deep into the connective tissue and usually each pose is held between 2 and 5 min however since this is an intro class

were only going to be holding each pose for 1 min your going to need a yoga mat some water and if you're interested in learning little more about this style i've included a bit more of a information in the description below otherwise lets begin ok guys beginning today in childs pose exhale let go rounding unto all fours naughty kitten roll your head around

as you move your body arching the back then rounding tuck toes under extend into downward dog take a moment to breath letting heels sink into the ground gently walk out the dog exhale rounding into plank take it back to downward dog

rounding through dpwnward dog round to plank hold chaturanga upward dog opening the chest downward dog reach right e.g. up stack hips together

take big step to the very right side of the mat prepare ourselves for the lizard posture drop left knee to the floor roll right foot to lateral side come down o elbows or use props under elbows exhale allow the hips to sink low stay with your breath then slowly begin to release

come up to hands walk in foot tuck back toes full high lunge take right leg back up come to plank same leg goes up take pigeon posture bring right knee to right thumb hips are square

bring elbows down to pigeon each exhale let go of any tension in your body begin to release exhale shit weight to right hip swing back leg aroung come into next yin posture called shoelace stack knees on top walk hands forward

bring oxygen into your bodies letting go negative energy slowly lets come up extend your bottom leg left knee stays on top of it hands go underneath the leg lengthen through the spine exhale from here coming down we want to keep those hands under the straight knee

walk it out take it to the other side left leg reaches up stack the hips left over right hip bend top knee big step left side of mat ready for lizard pose drop back knee to floor

allow knee to fall away from you come down into lizard pose bring left knee to left thumb come to elbows pigeon pose long exhale out come up swing leg around stack knees into shoelace posture exhale come down take spinal twist here

hug knee with left elbow look over the right shoulder lengthen through the body swing the top leg around step back into downward dog flow big hop to top of mat butterfly posture allow yourself to release over the body

hope opening posture rounding to mat rock knees side to side massage lumber spine extend legs to sky keep flexion in feet go ahead and bring both legs over your head if you would like to go one level higher extend both legs up shoulder stand

inversion posture inhale big reach up with arms gather all that wonderful energy exhale bring it down one more exhale bring that energy down thank you so much for joining me i hope you feel relaxed stretched

and calm namaste

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