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yoga positions

yoga positions

the next pose if you’re feeling adventurousat home and you have a couple of yoga blocks or phone books that you can use, you’llwant to start by placing your yoga blocks or phone books even with your hips. this iscalled elephant trunk pose and in a minute you’ll see why. so you place your handssquarely on your blocks or phone books, and then you’re going to want to take one legup as high as you can above the elbow on one arm. so you don’t have to lift your legbehind your head, just above the elbow as far up toward the shoulder as possible, andthen flexing your feet, pressing against to the blocks, lifting up. this is elephant trunkpose. if you’re feeling kind of energetic you could always hook the straight leg overthe bent leg and come into side crow. and

then to come out, coming back to center andthen coming down. the first stage of elephant trunk. second stage.

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