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yoga positions for beginners

yoga positions for beginners

hello, my name is samanta raphael on behalfof expert village. in this clip i'll be demonstrating plow pose. to begin come to the front of yourmat, and then lay all the way back, lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling, restyour head down. from here you'll grab onto your hips and then using momentum lift yourlegs up and use your hand to push your hips so that your feet end up over your head. now,when you start, you're legs may be here and that is completely fine. let you lets justbe above the ground. if you can, you can drop your feet onto the ground so you're standingon your toes, in which case you'll engage all of the muscles along your legs, and youcan release your arms from your back. it's very important to be on your shoulders sojust kinda rock side to side lowering your

shoulders underneath you. if you need to continueto support your back with your hands, that's fine, that's your lower back you're holdingon to. otherwise, you can release your arms down and you can even add a little shoulderopener here. interlock your fingers and then roll your shoulders open even more, and never,ever, ever, ever try to look around the room in shoulder stand. to avoid any neck injuriesmake sure you are on your shoulders and hold here for a few more breaths, and once you'reready, grab hold of your hips again, come all the way down, and come on out of it.

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