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yoga poses for beginners

yoga poses for beginners

tree pose. tree pose is a standing balancepose. so if you’re not used to doing balance poses you’ll want to do this near a wallso that you can use one hand for support. if you are going to do this away from thewall, set yourself up so that you’re standing with your feet hip width apart, and we’llstart with our left leg as our standing leg. so you’ll want to shift your weight to yourleft leg and pull your right foot up to the inside of your left leg anywhere above theknee. so you can work anywhere from right above your knee all the way up to the insideof your thigh if your leg can do that with your toes pointing directly towards the floor.and then bringing your hands together at your heart, you need to press the standing legfoot into the floor even more strongly as

you push the right sole of the foot into yourleft thigh. and then if you’re feeling pretty steady here you can reach with your arms up,extending your arms up overhead, and if your balance is a little shaky but you’d liketo keep your arms extended you can take your arms out into a wide “v” and then backtogether, you can hold this pose for as long as it feels steady for you. you’ll wantto use your eyes to help you balance, so this pose will really help you focus. so you’llwant to focus on a point about five or six feet in front of you so when you look downit’s about forty-five degrees. and then when you’re ready to, bringing your handsback together it’s your heart, releasing your right foot and then just turn your footaround the ankle of the standing leg and then

take the other side.

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