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yoga poses for beginners at home

yoga poses for beginners at home

hello! my name is yogini rasa and i'mcertified open yoga teacher. today i welcome you on the yoga mat. allinformation will be available on the site and if you arewatching us on youtube channel not forget to subscribe because we will havenew videos that might be interesting to you. this video will be on on yoga practice how to make the set of yoga poses for ayoga beginner? what rules or concepts we should follow?

there are different parts of theyoga practice but in the very beginning the main thing is the beginning. how do we prepare? we prepare coming on the yoga mat, sitting down, closing our eyes and concentrating onourselves. taking a few nice breaths in order tocome down and switch to what we're going to do today. you can take as muchtime as necessary, but now we will go on with the next exercises. when we are sitting down.

we can do many different poses and willdo forward bend. this would be like this. down on yourknees. you can put your legs a little bit ofapart, if it's more comfortable and you can go down. if it's too much for this moment you can also have a good forward bend by just rounding your spine. backward bend would be nice if you just go straightback. or also we go down. have a nice crocodile position or go a little bithigher and have a nice cobra position. very well and leave the position and rest alittle bit. in between each yoga pose you find the moment to rest.

we start ofthe standing poses. there are two that we have to do. it is side bends and onefor the balance. that side triangle pose a very nice pose. feet plate hands parallel to thefloor. which was going to the one side and then that side. we bend down. a little bit by little bit we do! then we turn to the other side. bend down. just find it very verycomfortable position for you. you know lower higher

as you wish. o.k., this is very well inbetween we rest and try to relax the muscles that are engaged in this way. the tree pose - this will be for the balance it is find a point. that is in front of you and then it's not moving. because one sowe put on the inner type or lower higher as you wish. we put the hands infront of position and hold it for a moment. if you can close eyes your do it! it's more challenging. then again. find the pose and find the point and keep the balance.very well! so, that would be all for standing position. the next pose will be twist pose.we'll do twister the one side into the

left like usual. one of the versions todo. it is to bend the knee and put the other feet across. then i turn to theother side of the to the side where over leg is. relax. switch the sides. again cross one leg with theother across and go to the side of the one that is above. this is verybeneficial for your spine. just be careful and find the best twist. we are ready for inverted pose orthe upside down pose. many different versions again. i'll show you the simpleone. we lay on the back knees bent andgood position and lift your feet up.

you can stay in this position or if youfeel strong work you can go up stand a your sholders just be very very careful. you get the idea about the inverted pose. one of the poses would do during your class is a power pose. it is morechallenging and a challenge is different for every person. something like a frog pose andwill be stretching it.

this will be my power pose today but ofcourse it can be different for each person. we have all the set with thebalance poses with the bending to the right and left. i was twisting, bending forward andbackward finding also all power poses and favorite poses. what we do it? werest. this happens very easily we go on the back and straighten up. relax everything and completely. closeyour eyes and just try to feel how your body is feeling now after a good workout.

thank your body for the good work.appreciate it and relax. you can spend in this pose five or ten minutes.or just a moment but just point end of practice. what is done? is done and you havecompleted your yoga set. thank you very much and i see you in thenext yoga class. sorry it's not there yet! you have to take your yoga mat andlet's repeat which poses we had today. first you get in the mood and focus.then you do some balance pose. like we did tree pose. you do the standing or theseating bench to the right and left. we had a triangle pose. then you can havea child pose.

remember sitting down and go. thenwe can have a small cobra or crocodiles pose. for the back bend. powerposes and some twisting. as well as in vertically poses. get ready! becauselistening is good watching is good! if you have to do the action! like & subcribe

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