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yoga pilates

yoga pilates

- hello my friends, andwelcome to yoga with adriene. i'm adriene and today we have a really sweet, lovely little practice for when you're feeling anxiety. we've all been there, it's very natural in thiscrazy world we live in, to be met with feeling self-anxiousness, feeling down, blue, nervous, fear, so i find the tools ofyoga, especially at home,

a little goes a longway, are really helpful. so grab a pillow if you like, get into something comfy, and let's help you find what feels good with this hands-free,low-to-the-ground, chill practice. let's get started. (mellow acoustic music) alright, so let's start sitting on a blanket or a pillow if you have it.

let's lift the hips up a little. now we're gonna bring the left heel in and then the right heel in. we'll bring the hands to rest gently on the tops of the knees or the thighs and we'll just take asecond to close the eyes and accept where you are today. so if you've made it this far, you're in good hands.

it's a quick videotoday, so stick with it, and give yourself permission to just really be in this moment. so here, you've landed in this shape maybe on your mat, maybe just on the ground, and you have committed to taking a little bit of time for yourself. see if we can kind of transformthe energy of the body and find support.

stack the head over the heart, the heart over the pelvis, and then just take in thequality of air of the room, any noises,any sounds around you. i hear a big airplane overhead, but you might hear different things depending on where you are. notice your soundtrack. and just accept it all, take it all in.

great, then draw the handstogether at the heart. (inhales) take a deep breath in, (exhales) deep breath out. deep breath in, sit up nice and tall, and exhale, bowing the head to the hands. big stretch on the back of the neck. big inhale in.

and exhale release. great, so, we've droppedthe pen, we're here. let's tend into it. we're going to start todaywith a little pranayama, a little breath practice. this is one of my faves. we have a whole video just on it, so if you really like itor it's too complicated for you and you wanna dive in,

you can go check it out, it's called alternate nostrilbreathing, or nadi shodhana. and this is a really great breath to just kind of calmand quell and chill out any frayed nerves, that feeling you havewhen you're feeling like (grunts) on the edge of beingdepressed and anxious. you can't decide if you're like feeling

really blue or really anxious. you know what i'm talking about. it's great for that. so here we go, we're gonna take whatever your primary hand is. i'm gonna use the right hand and i'm just gonna bring, so we have options here. you can bring the middle three fingers in,

kinda like a hang loose thing and use the thumb and the pinky. you can also use thethumb and the ring finger. it's whatever works great for you. and again, we're not gonnareally break this down too much. so you can check out thatother video if you need. i'll still try to guide you and cue you in a way that feels good. so sit up nice and talland go ahead and seal

the right nostril with your thumb. take a deep breath inthrough the left nostril. pause, hold, retain the breath at the top. we switch, seal the left nostril, and then exhale out through the right. (exhaling) deep inhale in through the right nostril. pause, hold, retain the breath at the top as you seal and switch or switch and seal.

exhale out through the left nostril. with practice, this becomes easier. at first it can be a littlecomplicated in the brain. inhale deeply through the left nostril. retain the breath, seal and switch. exhale out through the right nostril. inhale in through the right. pause. seal and switch, exhaleout through the left.

smooth inhale in through the left. (inhaling) pause, switch and seal,exhale out through the right. inhale. (inhaling) when you feel like youhave the hang of it, close your eyes, seal and switch, exhale. and i'll stop cuing, just letting you move with the breath. and even it out.

and then after you've evened it out, bring the hand down, close the eyes. and let your breath returnback to its natural rhythm. great, bat the eyelashesopen, game changer. draw the hands together at the heart. inhale in exhale, let it go. (exhales heavily) fingertips come to the ground. i'm so zoned out.

fingertips come to the ground and we're gonna walk it forward. forearms might come to the ground, otherwise just nice strong hands here. maybe relax the weight of the head down, everyone will be a little different here. maybe you find a little sway. send awareness to your right hip. try to keep your tailbone, your coccyx,

on your pillow or down on the ground, so not rolling up. relax the weight of the head over. keep going with this beautifullong, smooth, even breathing. alright, then walk the right hand or the right elbow to the center. and on a big inhale, openup through your left arm. it doesn't have to comeall the way up to the sky. if it feels good to do that, great,

but it can just open up here, opening the chest and pressing into your right hand or the right forearm. you can also be here. big breath in, expand, find expansion and then exhale, lefthand replaces the right, maybe you do the form variation, and we inhale. find expansion, breathe deep.

open through the throat chakra here, lengthen through the crown of the head. one more breath. and then release, use your fingertips to pressyou all the way back up, and then we'll switch the legs here. so right heel comes in, palms go together, deep breath in. exhale.

find what feels good. fingertips down, walking em out. keep awareness of the coccyx,the tail, dropping down. this'll look a littledifferent for everyone. maybe you're here. again, find what feels good here. send awareness to your left hip. (inhales and exhales) nice, smooth, even breathing.

relax the weight of the head down. chilling it out, okay. now, starting with the left arm this time, left hand or left elbowto the center line. we inhale over through the right wing. big breaths here. you can be here or here. tops of the thighs grounding down here, take one more breath, find expansion.

and then exhale, righthand replaces the left, same thing, we open up through the left. awesome work, release back to center. press into the fingertips, come all the way back up. we'll send the legs out long. doing awesome here, so keep, you know, keep breathing deep here,stick with your breath, sending the legs out super wide.

doesn't have to be super,like, olympic gold splits here, just creating a little bit of space. you should feel pretty stablein the base of the spine so if you need to lift up on something a little taller, please do. tops of the thighs grounding down here. fingertips come to themat, we walk it forward. so the same thing, youmight just stay here, eventually drawing thechin to the chest (exhales)

or you might come all theway down into the floor. nice, even, smooth pranayama. remember your alternatenostril breathing here. take away any stress, tension,in the neck, the shoulders. active in the feet here so you can point the toes if it feels good or flex. alright, then check it out. i'm gonna press up into the palms. little thread the needle here.

so right fingertips are gonna reach in and underneath the bridge of the left arm. you're not gonna go allthe way to the ground, just a gentle twist here, keeping that expansionjust like we did here. big breath in, (inhales) exhale to release. (exhales) right palm to the earth,thread the needle. left fingertips in and underneath

the bridge of the right arm. i'm relaxing, it's working. inhale. find expansion. (exhales) use an exhale to bring you back. cool, draw the left heel in. turn your waistline sothat you're pointed, you're headed toward your right foot. so there's a shift.

then inhale, reach all theway up, find the length. and think up and over as you bow down. head-to-knee pose here, janu sirsasana, so the goal is eventually to get that nose to the knee,the head to the knee, but maybe you're here. right? wherever you are, drawthe chin into the chest, take a moment to surrender,breathe deep.

send breath to the lowerback body and awareness. great, and then draw the chin to the chest as you slowly roll it up. i can barely talk, it's working. setting the left leg out. draw the right heel in,we're almost done here, you guys doing awesome. really commit to your breath. take the hip so that we'repointed toward that left heel.

when you're ready,soft and easy breezy, reaching it out. and then you're taking it forward. close your eyes, listen to your breath. great, inhale in. (inhales) now you're just gonna exhale to release. awesome work. we're just gonna bring the feet in so that we can shift nowto be flat on our back.

you can use the pillowas a pillow for our head. imagine that. and we're just gonna get comfy here, feeling our spinesupported here to finish. when you get there, hugthe knees into the chest. fix your pillow so it feels good. and then give yourselfa great big bear hug. walk the shoulder blades down. should feel good, little massage, perhaps.

(inhales and sighs) and then close your eyes and imagine, imagine your yoga mat risingup to meet your back body. so often, we talk about, ugh, just spilling all the weight of our body into our yoga mat. which is great, but just close your eyes and imagine your mat risingup to meet your back body. feel supported here.

trust that all is well, and that, especiallywith the tools of yoga, you have the power with your mind and yourbody and your breath working together consciously and lovingly, kindly, intently. you have the power totransform any negativity or anxiousness, bad juju, nervous energy.

you have the tools andthe power to transform it to something that feels good. even if it's just a moment of peace, let's be real, right? slowly release the feetdown to the ground, we'll open the knees wideso the feet come together. have your pillow here. and then we're just gonna let the hands rest gently on the frontsof the hip creases here,

should feel nice. breathing deep. (exhales) close your eyes. (inhales) and then, one leg at a time, slowly drawing the toes down, extending long through both legs. and then, lastly,opening the fingertips. palms, arms, out to the sides. feeling an opening through the chest,

a softness in the belly, and the legs heavy. (exhales) take a second to scanthe body and give thanks, a moment of gratitude for you for taking this timeto tend to it. the hardest part is justshowing up for yourself, and you did. so, awesome work. stay here as long as time allows.

trust the flow. namaste.

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